HealthTrack Mobile App

HealthTrack Mobile App

HealthTrack Mobile App

HealthTrack Mobile App

Mobile App

Dec 20, 2023

Figma, Framer

Mobile App

Dec 20, 2023

Figma, Framer

Mobile App

Dec 20, 2023

Figma, Framer

Empowering health journeys. HealthTrack Mobile App is designed to simplify health monitoring and encourage healthier lifestyles

Empowering health journeys. HealthTrack Mobile App is designed to simplify health monitoring and encourage healthier lifestyles

Empowering health journeys. HealthTrack Mobile App is designed to simplify health monitoring and encourage healthier lifestyles


HealthTrack recognized the need to empower users in their health journeys by providing a user-friendly mobile application for comprehensive health monitoring.


Existing health apps lacked holistic features and user-centric design, often leading to fragmented health tracking experiences.


The project aimed to develop a robust mobile application offering seamless integration of health monitoring tools, personalized insights, and intuitive user interface design.


Through careful user research and iterative design processes, HealthTrack crafted a mobile app that not only consolidated health tracking features but also prioritized user experience, enabling individuals to monitor, analyze, and optimize their health effortlessly.

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